Friday, February 13, 2009

It's been a while....

So, I know that I have been a terrible blogger. I will try and do better J I have so many cute pictures of Austin to post, I will try and have them up tonight. It is very difficult to use the computer at home because Austin loves to type.
Austin is growing and growing right before my eyes. He was real sick last week and I thought maybe he was teething but I never saw a tooth and there is a lot of stuff going around so I just assumed he caught a bug…NOPE…the other night he was on my lap with his head back laughing and I saw that he got a molar! That was a rough one for him, but he is back to his happy playful self again. Austin is learning more and more words, and repeating what you say. The other night we were trying to leave the house but Justin was taking his time and I said “Come on Justin” and Austin said “Justin”…it was funny. Austin also thinks he is the boss of the house…but he is quickly learning that is my job! When I tell him no not to do something he gets so mad at me and I have to remind him that I AM THE BOSS.

That is about it for now, I will post pictures tonight!

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